I have made it a point to run in the GW Parkway 10-Miler every year since I have lived in the DC area. I think I have only missed the race once or twice, and I am going to try and run in it until my lumbering stems can’t carry me anymore. For starters, the race is peaceful. I think that people who cheer on races are great. Thank you for the encouragement, but I like the peacefulness of just being with the runners for a while. Maybe it is because I am embarrassingly slow and don't need all the witnesses, but the first few miles are just the runners together as a unit. As you can see in the first picture, it is just the masses and the trees. There is something very calm about that experience that you don't get in a lot of races, particularly in the cities.
The race route is stunning. The race begins at Mount Vernon, the home of George and Martha Washington, who greet you with high fives before the race. If you don’t like getting a high five, I can only assume you are a robot devoid of emotion. The race runs along the beautiful (as long as you aren't submerged in it) Potomac River in Alexandria, Virginia. I stopped and took a picture around mile 6 so you could check it out (see picture to the above/right). The race ends in Old Town Alexandria, which is probably one of the cutest places in the United States. Old Town offers ghost tours, which I think is a prerequisite for your city to be considered adorable. Check it out if you have a chance.
The reason I really love this race, and actually enjoy races in general, is that it brings out the best in people. Everyone is up early in the morning and encouraging each other. Even though I am usually wearing headphones, I try not to blare them too
loudly so that I can hear what is happening.
You hear so many words of encouragement among strangers. “You’ve got this” and “You can do it” are common phrases heard while running. I can’t think of
another setting where strangers are going through the same thing, but offer
each other such genuine encouragement. Seriously,
I might ponder that a while.
Though this is a brief description, I cannot say enough good things about this race. It is held at the end of every April. If you have any interest in distance running, please give it a try! I will hopefully see you there in 2016...although I will probably be running behind you.
A huge thank-you to all of my friends who offered me
encouragement via text message the morning of the race, and a gigantic thank-you to
Danielle for greeting me at the end of the race to provide me with both support and an egg
and cheese sandwich.