My friend Liz is hilarious. In fact, she is probably one of the funniest people that I have ever had the privilege of meeting. Liz and I often entertain each other with our work stories. Like me, she also works in an office. I have learned that most offices are more like the television show "The Office" than they are like the strict professional environments we are warned of in school. On Tuesday afternoon, Liz texted me to report that her coworkers were blaring "Careless Whisper" at full volume. Going to my overall theory on offices, on the same day, my friend Erin (See yoga post) informed me that "I'm Real" by Ja Rule and J.Lo was pumping in her office. Look up the opening line of "I'm Real." Was this the soundtrack to Tuesday in the professional world? Yes. It was also the soundtrack to my high school dances, but we are getting off topic.
After addressing George Michael, I informed Liz of my new goal of attempting a new workout every week. She asked me if I wanted to workout in a parking deck with Batman on Saturday morning. My answer was obviously "yes, yes, a thousand times, yes." She proceeded to send me a screen shot of a man
dressed in Batman gear taking a selfie. That man, Batman, would be our fantastic trainer.
I picked Liz up on Saturday morning, and we headed out to...well...the street, to begin our workout. The weather was gorgeous, so the workout ended up being outside on a beautiful patch of grass (perhaps we could call it a "square") along a cross street in Alexandria. That is really the best description that I can give regarding our workout space - a pretty cross street.
Batman was awesome. He used to be Liz's personal trainer, and he is also an aspiring actor. Look for him in an episode of "House of Cards." He said Kevin Spacey is crazy. Again, off topic.
We started off the workout with a brief jog down the street to warm-up. This allowed Liz and I an opportunity to catch up with each other before we no longer had the lung capacity to speak. After our warm-up, Batman instructed us to do a series of walking lunges, sprints, burpees, etc. I liked this boot camp for a number of reasons. First, I was ready for an individual boot camp experience after my FO experience. Second, it was awesome to workout outside. Third, Batman allowed us to go at our own pace, which worked well because there were 8 of us, and we were all at different fitness levels.
There was an elevated area on the "square" where we were all able to put our mats for our stretching and ab workout at the end of class. That is when things got really entertaining. Batman broke out into song - Nelly's Thong Song. He did his own slow, baritone version of the song while we switched between planks and crunches. Earl, another person in the class, also provided his own rendition of "Circle of Life" from the Lion King. At that point, the ab workout was kind of a bust for me because I was laughing too hard (I had the privilege of laying right next to Earl for his Broadway moment).
This workout was great. For $10, I was highly entertained, and I was sore for days. Batman made it very clear that he does not do cold weather, so the winter should provide me with the perfect opportunity to see what Batman can do with a parking deck.
Liz, thank you for taking me to this workout/show.