There are some Pure Barre rules. You must wear appropriate athletic attire (there is plenty of Pure Barre swag to purchase in the studio in case you are unsure of what is appropriate). Additionally, you must have socks. I tried buying some barre socks a few years ago for general barre classes, but I accidentally purchased "New Mommy" socks. That got my mother-in-law way too excited. I have never birthed anything, so I do not wear my fraud socks. I rolled into Pure Barre in regular gym socks - rookie move.
The workout requires a set of light weights (I used two pounds), a ball that is roughly 5 inches, and a red resistance band. Pure Barre focuses on your arms, legs, abs, and "seat," which is their dainty way of saying your ass.
The workout starts off with lifting high knees at a rapid pace for ten counts. I thought to myself, "this isn't so bad." Things got rapidly more aggressive from there. First, we picked up small weights and started doing all sorts of small muscle contractions, such as small bicep curls, while still stepping.
The instructor eventually told us to drop to the ground, and we immediately began a 90-second plank, with variations such as single arm lifts with the weight while planking. Of note, in other workouts, usually the move to the ground is an opportunity to collect yourself. Not in Pure Barre. You have to keep moving. all. the. time.
Interestingly, the floor in the room is carpet. You need socks with grips so that you don't slide around during the plank. No matter what kind of game face I tried to maintain, the novice socks were making me face plant. I wanted to yell at the super-sock army of toned chicks that I really could do a 90-second plank! Do not judge me by my failing foot apparel.
The workout starts off with lifting high knees at a rapid pace for ten counts. I thought to myself, "this isn't so bad." Things got rapidly more aggressive from there. First, we picked up small weights and started doing all sorts of small muscle contractions, such as small bicep curls, while still stepping.
The instructor eventually told us to drop to the ground, and we immediately began a 90-second plank, with variations such as single arm lifts with the weight while planking. Of note, in other workouts, usually the move to the ground is an opportunity to collect yourself. Not in Pure Barre. You have to keep moving. all. the. time.
Interestingly, the floor in the room is carpet. You need socks with grips so that you don't slide around during the plank. No matter what kind of game face I tried to maintain, the novice socks were making me face plant. I wanted to yell at the super-sock army of toned chicks that I really could do a 90-second plank! Do not judge me by my failing foot apparel.
We eventually moved (quickly, of course) to a ballet bar on the wall. You are supposed to squat down six to eight inches, and put the ball in between your thighs. Then, you are instructed to tuck, which is essentially thrusting your pelvis forward, or in whatever direction you are instructed. Your "seat" and your inner thighs burn so much. Upbeat club-ish music is playing during the class. Between the pelvis thrusting, the club music, and the new foreign object squeezed between the legs, I felt like the thigh part of the workout had more in common with a basement frat party than ballet, but what do I know?
Eventually, we went back to the center of the room (fast as shit of course - how are these girls transitioning at this pace), and we do more "tucking" and a serious abdominal workout.
We periodically used the red resistance band to stretch...for like 5 seconds...then more moving. Always more moving.
Everything burned - my "seat," my arms, weird muscles that I did not know existed, and everything in between. I felt the workout for days, which is exactly what you want in a workout. Excuse my Mellencamp, but it hurt so good.
I got a follow-up call from Pure Barre the next morning. It was kind of like that call after a first date that you're not sure about. You tell them you had a great time, and admittedly, it was cool and different, but you don't know if you're ready to commit.
I got a follow-up call from Pure Barre the next morning. It was kind of like that call after a first date that you're not sure about. You tell them you had a great time, and admittedly, it was cool and different, but you don't know if you're ready to commit.
I did purchase an introductory 30-day deal because the introductory package is offered at a discounted rate for new participants. Much like the dating world, persistence paid off for Pure Barre.
I will not go past the 30-day discounted trial. The workout is too expensive for something that I will not do everyday. However, I do think it could be awesome for getting toned very quickly. They do a program for brides, and I can see Pure Barre being a brilliant workout for a bride preparing for her wedding.
After my recent holiday festivities (by festivities, I clearly mean wine and baked goods), I think the 30-day unlimited is worth the investment. I want Pure Barre to kick my ass. I will also invest in some socks with grips... that don't tell lies about my life. I must show the robots that I can plank.