Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones - She is the scary one (January 24, 2015)

Everyone buys stupid shit that they don't need.  It is just a matter of how much you spend, and what your brand of stupid is: cigarettes, tabloids, expensive wine, misspelled Starbucks coffee, refrigerator magnets?  There is a laundry list of dumb things that we all buy.  Pick your poison. That money would probably be going into our savings, or towards our car payment, but nope, everyone has a vice.

One of my go-to stupid purchases, is a really cheap workout DVD.  Not because workout DVDs are bad.  In fact, they are great, but I generally like working out around people, and I don't like doing the same workout too often.  Basically, my preference is the opposite of DVDs, but damn if Target isn't always selling DVDs on a huge discount (I got Princess Bride for $5 a few months ago -  definitely a win), so I inevitably end up purchasing workout DVDs.

My friend Jillian (not Michaels), told me a while back that Jillian Michaels workouts were great.  Additionally, a guy I work with, who I affectionately call a meat head, tried the Jillian Michaels workout, and thought it was very difficult.  Actually, he hurt himself doing the warm-up because she likes doing active stretches. While he was basically pretending to swim, he pulled his neck.  Bro can't active stretch like the ladies.  Anyhow, given these two recommendations (and the DVD being on sale), I decided to give No More Trouble Zones a shot.

I rarely watch reality television (except for Shark Tank because that is addicting).  Not because I judge, but because I keep an insane and weird schedule.  I have caught the Biggest Loser a time or two, and I know from grocery store tabloids that Jillian Michaels is the scary one.  Just look at how she is pointing at you.  She means business.

I press play on the DVD - No More Trouble Zones.  I don't want trouble zones.  Bring it.

Holy shit.  There are many things happening at once in this workout.  I can see why her workouts are considered so efficient.  In addition to active stretching, she expects you to work a million different body parts at the same time. For example, you will squat while doing overhead presses, or you will side lunge while performing biceps curls, and crunches with chest presses.  You get the idea.

I can't find a calorie count doing a quick internet search for this specific DVD; however, I found an average calorie burn for her 30 day shred DVD, and that is estimated at 503 calories per hour.  Do with that what you will.

If you want to maximize your workout in a limited amount of time, I highly recommend this DVD. I have to say that I probably won't touch it again for another 5 years.  I have about 30 more DVDs to get through, and I also miss the entertainment I find in live classes.

If you are a DVD kind of person, here is the link for purchasing this gem at Wal-Mart.  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Jillian-Michaels-No-More-Trouble-Zones-Full-Frame/10818215

PS - There wasn't really much to take pictures of, so here you can see that Starbucks can't spell my name, and I included a pic of me and my Jillian (she is far less scary).