Sunday, October 26, 2014

Zumba - the Beer of Exercises (September 22, 2014)

Much like beer, I only partake Zumba a few times a year (I am a wine gal).   Also like beer, Zumba always seems to be easily accessible  (case in point - finding wine at a tailgate is work, but you could probably trip over a mountain of beer).  No matter what time I leave work, or what gym I might try, there is always a Zumba class just about to happen.  It is like magic.  I didn’t feel like running tonight, and of course, there was a Zumba class available. 

For those who don’t know, Zumba is an aerobic class that is usually set to Latin music with some Latin infused dance moves.  As evidenced from my wedding picture, I am pretty confident in my dance moves (those moves seem to involve duck hands).  As seen by my parents double-fist pumping at my wedding, I get these sweet moves honest.

Zumba classes tend to be 55 minutes to an hour. A Google of “calories burned in Zumba,” indicates that you can burn anywhere between 500 to 1000 calories per hour.  This information is useless.  That is like telling you I am between 5’8” and 6’7”. You have learned nothing.  That calorie estimate is also a wildly optimistic.  This link ended up being more useful  Taking into account my height and weight, the website estimates that I will burn 461 calories in an hour.  That is enough for me to give it a go.

One of the best parts about Zumba is always the instructor’s outfit.  The instructor is always wearing something neon with ZUMBA written across the chest or the ass, lest you forget what class you’re in.  Tonight, the instructor did not disappoint. She was wearing a matching neon Christmas bow on her head, which was perfect, because her borderline inappropriate and over-the-top facial expressions were like a gift to my evening.

 I have no rhythm, but Zumba instructors never care.  They always tell you to just keep moving, which is one of the best aspects of the class.  You will keep moving, which is the point, right?   
Additionally, there are four other things I always experience in Zumba:        

1.  You will be expected to shake your ass (or lack thereof, in my case) in ways you don’t understand.  For example, tonight I was bent over and hopping backwards.  Fantastic workout, and I would never do this anywhere else in the gym...or any other environment.
2.  Follow-up to point number one – there will be one older woman in the class who will be able to flawlessly execute the butt-gyrating exercises.  You will wonder about her day (or late night) job.
      3.   There will also be one person who has no clue what is happening, and he or she will be having a party for one in the back corner. Today, the woman was in the back pretending to fly, and it was awesome.
      4.    A Pitbull song will play.  Not featuring Pitbull, but legit Pitbull.  This is always my favorite part (I’m not proud of it, but I am honest). Fireball!

As mentioned, Zumba is not my go-to work out, but I do smile the entire time.  Additionally, you get a full-body workout because Zumba involves your legs, arms, abs, and of course butt, while doing cardio.  It is also low impact, so it is easy on your joints.  This means people with different levels of physical ability can usually participate. There is no way to get bored between the music and the instructor...and the other participants.  If you have rhythm or enjoy dancing (preferably with duck hands), I recommend the class.  If you’re extremely shy, or get easily embarrassed (I do not - I accepted my awkward a long time ago), then I would bring a friend with you. Strength in numbers - or, party for two in the back if you prefer to pretend you’re flying. You are definitely going to get a decent calorie burn from the non-stop moving and shaking.